Houston Pregnancy Help Centers provide practical and compassionate support to women in unplanned pregnancy situations. We present life-affirming alternatives to the tragedy of abortion while respecting a woman’s decision without ridicule or rejection. We share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, in both word and deed, as the Holy Spirit presents the opportunity.​
Our vision at Houston Pregnancy Help Center is to equip and encourage Christian volunteers to bring the message of life, hope, compassion, and love to women residing in Houston’s urban communities who may be experiencing a crisis or unplanned pregnancy.
Founder/Executive Director
Sylvia B. Johnson
Sylvia is the founder and Executive Director of Houston Pregnancy Help Center, Inc., which currently has four locations and 2 medical mobile vans in Houston, Texas. Sylvia has served as a Pregnancy Help Center Director for the past 39 years and has opened five Crisis Pregnancy Centers and assisted with the opening of two others. These centers provide services to over 20,000 clients per year. Under her leadership, medical services were implemented. Sylvia is known as “The Encourager,” a woman of vision and most importantly a woman that loves God and His people.